Papers & handouts

Please email for papers or handouts not included below. Comments always very welcome.


On the event structural properties of the English get-passive. Linguistic Inquiry 53.2: 211-254. With David Embick. 

Adjective classifiers in Shantou Teochew. Proceedings of CLS 56, 25-37. With Zhuosi Luo.


The done-state derived stative: A case study in building complex eventualities in syntax. Syntax 24.3: 297-333.

The morphosyntax and semantics of adjective classifiers. Talk at the Adjective Workhop at Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE) 54. With Zhuosi Luo.

A comparative approach to adjective classifier morphosyntax. Talk at 33rd meeting of the North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-33). With Zhuosi Luo.

Unintended circumstances. Invited talk at Syntax Reading Group, Yale University. 

On the role of event structure in two Voice alternations. Invited talk at McMaster University.


Past/passive participles and locality of attachment. In A. Bárány et al. (Eds.), Syntactic Architecture and its Consequences: Synchronic and Diachronic Perspectives, Volume 1, 319-334. Berlin: Language Sciences Press.

The syntax of a phrasal stative passive: Some implications for Voice in adjectival passives. Talk at Linguistic Society of America 94th Annual Meeting, New Orleans. Jan 2020. 


Objects in motion verb phrases. Glossa 4(1): 98. 1–31.

On some limits of idiosyncrasy:  Evidence from subject interpretation and resultative formation. Poster, The Grammar of Regularity and Idiosyncrasy, Workshop at the LSA Institute, UC Davis.

Event structural properties of the English get-passive. Talk at GLOW 42, University of Oslo. With Dave Embick.


Arguments in motion. Invited talk at Yale University.

On the syntactic determination of thematic roles: Evidence from transitive motion clauses. Talk at NELS 49, Cornell University.

On some (event) structural properties of the English get-passive. Talk at LAGB 2018, University of Sheffield. With Dave Embick.

Thematic Roles are determined syntactically in transitive motion expressions. Talk at LAGB 2018, University of Sheffield.

Locating variation in the dative alternation. In Constantine Lignos, Laurel Mackenzie, and Meredith Tamminga (Eds.), The Locus of Linguistic Variation, 1-32. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Variation in being done. Invited talk at Princeton University.

On the relation between the lexicon and syntax, and certain arguments of verbs of motion. Invited talk at University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. 

Objects and unergatives. Talk at Workshop on Unergative Predicates: Architecture and Variation, Bilbao.


Different paths in Directed Manner of Motion Constructions. In Aaron Kaplan et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 34th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, 81-88. [abstract/paper]

Variants of Indonesian prepositions as intra-speaker variability at PF. University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics: 23(1): 11. 83-92. With Helen Jeoung. [abstract/paper]

Variation in the dative alternation. Themed session on Introducing Arguments: Insights from Micro- and Macro-Variation at LSA 91, Austin TX.

Variation in local syntax across individuals (poster). LSA 91, Austin TX. With Meredith Tamminga.


Locating variation in the dative alternation. Linguistic Variation 16.2: 151-182. [paper/abstract]

Lexical and individual variation in the Done My Homework construction. Talk at NWAV 45, Simon Fraser University/University of Victoria. With Meredith Tamminga.

On phonologically unrealized prepositions: the syntax and morphology of Indonesian preposition-drop. Poster at PLC 40, University of Pennsylvania. With Helen Jeoung.


A New Case for A-movement in Northwest British English. In Ulrike Steindl et al. (Eds), Proceedings of the 32nd West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, 218-227. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project. [ abstract/paper]

Passive Variation in Dialects of Northwest British English. Invited, University of Pennsylvania.

Dissociating Case from Theta-roles: A Comparative Investigation. PhD dissertation, University of Cambridge.

The Parameters of Case. Poster presented at Generative Syntax in the Twenty-first Century: The Road Ahead, Athens.

Features and the Typology of Radical pro: Evidence from Hawaiian. Talk at Workshop on Null Arguments, Cambridge Comparative Syntax 4, University of Cambridge.

The Second Asian and European Linguistic Conference Proceedings. Newcastle and Northumbria Working Papers in Linguistics. (Proceedings edited by Alison Biggs, Man Li, Aiqing Wang and Cong Zhang) [edited volume]


The syntax of space: some problems from Chinese. Invited talk, University of Oxford General Linguistics Series.

Assertion and Speech Acts in embedded clauses: Evidence from Mandarin syntax. Talk at LAGB 2014, University of Oxford.

Passive variation in the dialects of Northwest British English. 3rd Conference of the International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE), University of Zurich.

A comparative approach to spatial adpositions in Mandarin. Workshop on Adpositions and PPs, Newcastle University.

A New Case for A-Movement in Northwest British English. WCCFL 32, USC.