I teach syntax, as well as topics in morphology, semantics, and argument structure; typology; variation in English dialects; and topics in Chinese linguistics.
Current teaching
Cogscil 731 Language analysis methods: Syntax and semantics (graduate introduction to syntax and semantics)
Linguist 2SY3 Syntax (undergraduate syntax)
Linguist 1ZZ3 Structure of Modern English II (introduction to English sentence structure and meaning)
Other teaching, McMaster
Cogscil 6LC3 Advanced morphology and syntax (graduate seminar in morphology and syntax)
Linguist 4LC3 Advanced syntax and its interfaces (undergraduate seminar in morphology and syntax)
Linguist 4LX3 Structure of X (Structure of Chinese) (undergraduate seminar in Chinese language)
Linguist 3M03 Morphology (undergraduate morphology)
Linguist 3RP3 Undergraduate research practicum (undergraduate research training and mentorship)
Linguist 1Z03 Structure of Modern English I (introduction to English sound and word structure)
Previous teaching, Georgetown
Ling 736 Topics in Morphosyntax: Nominalizations (with Ruth Kramer)
Ling 725 Topics in the Syntax-Semantics Interface: Verb Meaning and Event Structure
Ling 521/721 The Syntax and Semantics of Verbs (with Paul Portner)
ICOS 710 Core Course in Cognitive Science and ICOS 712 Cognitive Science seminar (with Elissa Newport)
Ling 528 Generative Syntax II
Ling 428 Argument Structure
Ling 427 Generative Syntax I
Ling 421 Morphology
Ling 224 Grammatical Analysis
Ling 202 Research-based Undergraduate Linguistics Experience (RULE)
Ling 001 Introduction to Language and Linguistics
Previous teaching, UPenn
Ling 653 Topics in the Syntax-Semantics Interface: Causation
Ling 653 Topics in the Syntax-Semantics Interface: Building and Interpreting Event Structure
Ling 650 Topics in Natural Language Syntax: Syntactic variation
Ling 406 Argument Structure
Ling 245 Patterns in Language
Ling 242 Construct a Language
Ling 145 Language in China
Ling 056 Language in Context: East meets West
Ling 054 Bilingualism in History